Raise your hand if you're asking yourself these questions …
Should I look into fertility treatments? Do I do ANOTHER IVF treatment? Look for an egg donor? Sperm donor? Surrogate? WHAT?! And how will I pay for it all?
Why can’t the doctors give me a specific reason I’m not getting pregnant, why can’t they fix me?
Why can't I carry a baby to term? One more miscarriage and my heart will be forever broken.
What am I doing wrong?
I feel like I’m letting my husband down … my parents want a grandchild so badly… I’m failing everybody!
Did I exercise too much? Too little? Was it the glass of wine? Did I do something to deserve this? Is it me? Is it my husband? Is the doctor wrong?
I want to be happy for my friends who have babies, but all I want to do is cry when I hear their good news or see those adorable onesies and itty-bitty booties at their baby showers.