Welcome to a life-changing journey!
I'm honored to be here to support you. 




  • Improve your conception chances without dangerous drugs or expensive treatments.

  • Get pregnant even if you’ve been told you have little chance of conceiving.

  • Carry a baby to term, reducing the chance of a miscarriage.

  • Get support and understanding, by connecting with women in the same stage and phase of life.

  • Why can’t the doctors give me a specific reason I’m not getting pregnant, why can’t they fix me?

  • Why can't I carry a baby to term? One more miscarriage and my heart will be forever broken.

  • I feel like I’m letting my husband down … my parents want a grandchild so badly… I’m failing everybody!

  • Did I exercise too much? Too little? Was it the glass of wine? Did I do something to deserve this? Is it me? Is it my husband? Is the doctor wrong?

  • I want to be happy for my friends who have babies, but all I want to do is cry when I hear their good news or see those adorable onesies and itty-bitty booties at their baby showers.

If you’re exhausted and hopeless after another negative pregnancy test, devastated by another miscarriage, not sure you’ll be able to conceive when you’re ready to try … and not even sure what to do next, who to believe, or what doctor to go to …

Find out why they work and which ones are most effective for you to use.

Clean up your environment and avoid toxins that may be harming your fertility.

Many toxins in our environment are direct inhibitors of fertility and cause significant harm to our reproductive systems. Learn which ones you need to avoid.

Learn how to help your partner increase his fertility.

I can say it all truly worked, because a week ago today (while finishing up week 12), I found out I'm PREGNANT!!!! 

"It still doesn't feel real that I'm pregnant, but I know it wouldn't have happened without the changes I learned from you. My experience with The Fertility Code was nothing short of amazing! Even though I work in the medical field and thought I knew a lot from my own research, there were so many things I learned about that I could implement in my fertility journey that I never knew before. 


The modules are laid out in a weekly basis so you are never overwhelmed with all the knowledge there is to learn each week. The changes are well defined with examples so it feels easy to get started. There are supporting documents with books, articles that Sarah wrote, and worksheets you can print and follow. The information is very comprehensive and even includes information for your partner to increase his quantity and quality. I can say it all truly worked, because a week ago today (while finishing up week 12), I found out I'm PREGNANT!!!!"


— Meredith M.

I was able to retrieve a chromosomally healthy egg and get pregnant at 42 years old!

"I first met Sarah after I had been through four unsuccessful rounds of IVF. I was feeling physically and emotionally exhausted. After taking a detailed and compassionate account of my journey, Sarah recommended a customized plan to optimize my fertility.


I followed her plan carefully and began to feel better quickly. My energy returned and my mood and sleep improved. With the next round of treatment, I was able to retrieve a chromosomally healthy egg and get pregnant at 42 years old! Sarah was so helpful in that process: the depth of her knowledge was impressive, and her genuine caring was a big source of support for me as I pursued treatment. I am very grateful for her help and would give the highest recommendation for anyone seeking to enhance their fertility or overall general health."


— Lisa B.

I have a beautiful 5 month old daughter now!!!

"I started working with Sarah after a couple of devastating pregnancy losses. She took time to get me on track with what I needed to be eating and focusing on, not only to improve my health, but to help me learn about foods that would ultimately support my fertility and growing baby.


She is detailed, she is patient, she is a wonderful resource and she has a beautiful energy to her that would make anyone happy to work with her. She can truly change your life."


— Ashley W.

I’m happy to say that this is my 3rd time going through IVF with a donor egg and I’m finally pregnant!

“Setting up 3 calls with Sarah was one of the most helpful steps I took in overcoming infertility. Because I was using donor eggs, I was focused on doing everything I could to optimize overall uterine health to ensure the healthy embryos would stick. Dealing with endometriosis and a thin uterine lining was really challenging. And having to take all the required hormones for the IVF treatment was really hard on my emotional, physical and spiritual well-being. Talking to Sarah helped ground me. She not only helped me identify EXACTLY how I should be eating and living to support my natural fertility health, but she also helped me find the right supplements to support my body in the process. She’s a natural cheerleader, passionate about helping one overcome fertility issues and is extremely knowledgeable. My only mistake was taking a year to call her."


— Claudia R.

  • Week 1: You Are What You Eat

  • Week 2 : Superfoods for Fertility

  • Week 3: Hormones 101

  • Week 4: Your Gut Health Affects EVERYTHING

  • Week 5: Let’s Talk About Stress, and How to De-Stress Crusher

  • Week 6: Your Thyroid - A Fertility Dream

  • Week 7 : Move Your Body

  • Week 8 : Clean Up Your Environment

  • Week 9: Mind-Body Therapies

  • Week 10: Rituals for Fertility

  • Week 12: Putting It All Together

What's Inside The Fertility Code

Week 1: You Are What You Eat

The best way to optimize fertility in preparation for pregnancy is to eat a nutrient dense fertility diet and live in a way that supports the ideal functioning of the reproductive system.

We’ve all heard the saying ‘You are what you eat!’ But what you DON’T eat is equally as important. What you choose to eat (and not eat) plays a huge role in supporting your fertility health. This week we:

  • Eliminate specific foods that create hormonal chaos and negatively impact fertility.

  • Introduce specific nutrient-dense foods that support optimal fertility.

  • Choose REAL foods and learn how to plan meals.

  • Discover fertility-boosting foods and the Fertility Diet Checklist.

  • Learn to distinguish between physical and emotional food cravings.

Week 2: Superfoods for Fertility

Here we dig a little deeper and look at certain superfoods that enhance fertility and nourish your hormonal system. Plus I’ll introduce foundational supplements to ensure you’re getting optimal levels of nutrients that are critical for preconception and pregnancy, but that you may not be receiving enough of from food alone. This week we:

  • Discover the top 11 foods especially good for fertility and HOW to include these fertility superfoods into your diet.

  • Understand WHY everyone should be taking high-quality foundational supplements and why most supplements on the market are doing more harm than good.

Week 3: Hormones 101

As society has come to rely more and more on medical authorities, we’ve become increasingly out of touch with our bodies and how they work. For many women, an aura of mystery now exists around one of the most natural of human functions: our monthly cycle and conception. This week we:

  • Delve into what each hormone does and how getting your hormones balanced NOW reduces the chance of miscarriage later.

  • Talk all things menstrual cycle - phases, fertile cues to look for, and how to know if and when you’re ovulating.

  • Discuss hormone testing and why it's SO important.

  • Learn what to do for post birth control recovery.

  • Find out how important it is to have regular orgasms (yay!).

  • Learn about Lunaception, a natural method for restoring ovulation.

  • Get tips for estrogen dominance and low progesterone.

Week 4: Your Gut Health Affects EVERYTHING

  • Discuss why gut health and testing for gut disorders, like leaky gut and autoimmune disorders, are important for fertility.

  • Use specific supplements to support gut health if indicated.

Week 5: Let's Talk About Stress, and How to De-Stress

Chronic stress has profound effects on your body, especially for women trying to get pregnant. And it becomes a catch-22 ... the longer you’re unable to get pregnant, the more stressed you become, and so the longer it takes to get pregnant, and …. it turns into a frightening negative feedback loop. Stress hormones inhibit the body from utilizing essential hormones for fertility (specifically progesterone), subsequently suppressing ovulation and disrupting the entire menstrual cycle. This week we:

  • Understand how adrenal health affects fertility.

  • Focus on the importance of keeping your blood sugar balanced to support adrenal health.

  • Eliminate or reduce negative-impact foods, like sugar, alcohol and caffeine.

Week 6: Your Thyroid - A Fertility Dream Crusher

Thyroid disorders are very common in women with unexplained infertility, premature ovarian failure, ovulation disorders, and recurrent miscarriage. This week we:

  • Explore how your thyroid affects fertility and how to properly test for thyroid disorders.

  • Learn how to support your thyroid health naturally with food, lifestyle changes and supplement recommendations.

Week 7: Move Your Body

12% percent of all infertility cases are rooted in weight issues. In combination with a real food, low inflammatory way of eating, exercise is a great way of maintaining an optimal weight for improved conception rates. But it’s important not to overdo it! This week we:

  • Unpack how regular exercise boosts your fertility.

  • Learn the best, and worst, types of exercise for fertility.

  • Identify how much, and what intensity, is best (and worst) for fertility.

Week 8: Clean Up Your Environment

  • Uncover which toxins to watch out for and how they harm your fertility.

  • Minimize the impact of toxins on your body by cleaning up your environment.

Week 9: Mind-Body Therapies

Mind-body therapies are complementary and alternative therapies used to address the ways in which emotional, mental, social, spiritual, experiential, and behavioral factors can directly affect health. The understanding is that the brain intimately interacts with the body, impacting our physical health – including fertility. This week we:

  • Explore complementary therapies that are beneficial to optimizing fertility health, including: Self Fertility Massage, Castor Oil Therapy, Acupuncture, Visualization, Meditation, and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT).​

  • Understand WHY studies show incorporating mind/body therapies increase pregnancy success rates.

Week 10: Rituals for Fertility

There are tried and true rituals that I swear by when it comes to optimizing fertility health. They aren’t going to blow your mind, and they certainly aren’t going to require a ton of effort on your behalf. They are small, easy to absorb rituals that can (and should!) be introduced into your daily life. This week we:

  • Eat lots of healthy fats to optimize hormones, egg and sperm health.

  • Bask in the sun for at least 20 minutes a day.

  • Sweat every day.

  • Embrace self care practices to nourish our physical and emotional health.

  • Understand why it’s important to never take synthetic folic acid.

Week 11: Conscious Conception – Addressing the Emotional and Lifestyle Blocks

The connection between how we are FEELING and how our body and its organ systems are FUNCTIONING is now well established in the medical literature. When it comes to the miraculous nature of conception, it’s more than just a sperm meeting the egg - your energy as it relates to motherhood, conceiving, your body, your partner, your living situation - all affect your ability to conceive. This week we:

  • Untangle the energetic blocks to conception.

  • Create an open and welcoming space of love for your baby to come in.

  • Apply mental, emotional, physical, and social well-being practices for conscious conception.

Week 12: Putting It All Together

  • Recap everything we’ve covered over the last 11 weeks.

  • Provide a checklist to help you maintain all of the fabulous changes you’ve initiated, and to know what to look for as time goes on.

The Fertility Code is for women under the age of 45 who want to conceive and it’s perfect for you if:

  • You’re trying to get pregnant naturally.

  • You’re already in the process of IVF or IUI.

  • You want to AVOID fertility treatments such as IVF or IUI.

  • You have hormone challenges like PCOS, endometriosis, fibroids or irregular cycles.

  • You want to do everything you can to improve your chances of conceiving when the time is right.

You may be wondering …

I’ve been trying IVF with no luck … will The Fertility Code increase my chances?

For the majority of women who choose IVF, the per cycle success rate is 20-35%. That’s without The Fertility Code. IVF treatment takes a toll on your health and the more IVF cycles you go through, the less likely you are to become pregnant. I believe you need to take a highly proactive approach with your own fertility and conception journey. It’s not about overriding your doctor’s advice, it’s about complementing their guidance with your own set of fertility-friendly choices you can make at home every day. The Fertility Code can dramatically boost your chances of getting pregnant with IVF.

Do you guarantee I’ll get pregnant?

No, that’s an impossible guarantee to make. I can tell you about 90% of the women I work with do become pregnant and give birth to healthy babies. I’ve even had success with women who were told by doctors they had less than a 1% chance of conceiving. What I can promise you, though, is that you’re going to finally be using the correct foods, supplements, exercise, and even sleeping habits to resolve the underlying blocks to your fertility.

I’m already in the process of IVF or IUI, will The Fertility Code still be helpful for me?

Yes, absolutely. The Fertility Code is for all women wanting to conceive, including women already working with assisted reproductive techniques like IVF, ICSI or IUI. By following The Fertility Code, you will boost the quality of your eggs, improve uterine health and function, optimize sperm health, and naturally balance hormones to improve retrieval and transfer success and conception rates.

Will this work for me - I’m 46?

Women best suited to benefit from The Fertility Code are those under the age of 45. Certainly the program will help optimize your health for conception, but usually women over 45 experience additional challenges that The Fertility Code does not address.

You’re afraid to hope.

Afraid if you do, you’ll be disappointed yet again. Or you doubt that your body can conceive … you think that it’s pointless to keep trying … nothing has helped yet so why would this be any different.

… it will get you to where you need to be.

"This journey is really isolating and it can really knock you down...it’s hard to think about taking one more step but I would suggest [working with Sarah]. Don’t be afraid to see what’s there and see what the results are because it will help you and it will get you to where you need to be."


— Mariesha, to women experiencing fertility challenges

You changed my life … I am forever grateful.

“I cannot thank Sarah Jane enough for not only her life-changing nutritional advice, but her sincere understanding and support of our dream to have a child. With her guidance I was able to prepare my body for the upcoming journey of a lifetime … my daughter, Caroline, was born in January!


The changes that I made with the help of Sarah Jane are ones that I truly believe contributed to her arrival and are ones that I hope to use throughout my life. You changed my life … I am forever grateful. THANK YOU!!!!!”


— Melissa T.

The nutrition work we did together was instrumental in helping me get pregnant after having fertility challenges.

I’m Sarah Jane Sandy, functional nutritionist and women’s health expert. I’m passionate about helping women fix their hormonal chaos, get pregnant, stay pregnant, and finally experience motherhood.


When I was 16, I began having horribly painful periods every two weeks accompanied by the classic PMS nightmare.


When I was 19 my cycle stopped coming completely. For years, my cycle remained elusive, never staying around for long and disappearing for months or years at at time. I saw acupuncturists, conventional doctors and healers. I tried abdominal massage, reiki, and medications. Nothing seemed to create lasting change.


Eventually my stepfather, a medical doctor with a passion for holistic medicine, recommended I see a naturopathic doctor.


Within four weeks her nutritional-based treatment plan resulted in my first menstrual cycle in years! This experience fueled my fascination with food and its ability to heal.

I was blown away at the power of food.

In just 12 weeks your fertility health will be optimized for a successful pregnancy.

No tens of thousands of dollars for medical treatments; no more money wasted on junk supplements that don’t work; no more conflicting advice …

NOW is the time.

valued at $997

BONUS 2: Foods to Feed Your Man For Superman Sperm

valued at $197

BONUS 3: Supercharge Your Sex Drive in 5 Easy Steps

valued at $197

BONUS 4: Swap Your Beauty Products Guide

valued at $197

BONUS 5: Fertility Friendly Meal Plan + Recipes

valued at $397

Mantras to change your thought patterns

BONUS #2 Foods to Feed Your Man for Superman Sperm

BONUS #5 Fertility Friendly Meal Plan + Recipes